Monday 27 September 2010

Video Literacy Narrative

Here's my video literacy narrative.  Technical ineptness aside, I didn't like making this as while as I liked writing the print narrative.  I find that, for some reason, my fingers are a lot more eloquent than my tongue.  When I write, I can take all the time I need to craft my sentences just the way I want them.  I can (hopefully) come across sounding smart and well-spoken.  

When I speak unscripted, even when I take time beforehand to think about what I want to say and how I might want to say it, it comes out wrong.  My tongue trips me up, I lose my train of thought, and not all of my dots end up getting connected.  I don't really like that.

One advantage of the video format is that it allows me to incorporate visual aids, which I did in this narrative.  I explained the collection of commonplace notebooks that I use for writing down quotes from books/poems/movies/songs/plays/TV episodes that I like, and I was able to show some of them to the camera, pointing out specific quotes from different books.

Anyway, here's my narrative:

Youtube links for now - I couldn't get the videos uploaded directly.  If I can figure it out later, I'll change that.

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