Saturday 6 November 2010

Project Proposal

Wong Kar-wai is a filmmaker who specializes in melancholy romances. He's known for his bittersweet themes, lush cinematography, dreamlike voice-overs, and excellent actors, many of whom appear in more than one of his films. His understated love stories that almost never end well aren't for everyone, but I'm a big fan of his work.

About a year ago, I wrote "Hong Kong Love Story", a long poem that imagines a continuous thread running through Wong's eight films. For my final project, I plan to design a website to showcase my poem. The section for each film would have its own page, and certain lines would link to screen captures, descriptions of scenes/characters, quotes from the films, or Imdb pages. I want to allow the audience members to pick and choose what they want to see - for example, someone who's never seen any of Wong's films would benefit from written descriptions of scenes. Conversely, a long-time fan would more likely be content with the poem/images and wouldn't need to click on the descriptions. I want to create a multi-layered site that could allow anyone to enjoy the poem, regardless of their previous knowledge of Wong Kar-wai and his films.

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