Friday 13 September 2013

Neverwhere: Episode 6 - “As Above, So Below” (1996)

Okay, last episode of Neverwhere.  Obviously, there are spoilers lying all over the place, so today's post is going to be incredibly vague.  Just know that the not-so-subtle theme I’m going for is “watch Neverwhere.”
Really great episode.  Bang-up conclusion – the final scene made me want to clap.  I love Richard and Door, I love the Marquis, I love London Below.  All together, this miniseries made for a very satisfying three hours.  Yes, the film quality is a little grainy, and some of the effects are unmistakably low-budget, but these things just endear it to me further by reminding me of the first season of Buffy.  Good writing is good writing, no matter how it's packaged.
And of course, there's Islington.  I really can't tell you too much about it, but he has a lot of screentime in this one, and PC is fantastic.  You see an entire different side of Islington, but you can reconcile it with what you’ve seen of him before.
Last thoughts for Neverwhere.
Accent Watch
RP – we talked about that.
In General– Oh my, yes.  This was right up my alley.  So imaginative, so well-written, so creatively-designed.  Like I said yesterday, I’m interested in Neverwhere’s other formats as well (novel, radio play, etc.), and this is probably the kick I needed to finally start checking out Neil Gaiman’s other works.
PC-wise – I would.  PC shows a lot of range as Islington, and he's great on all levels.  I will say – if you're only in it for the PC of it all and aren't interested in the miniseries itself (though I can’t imagine why), episodes 4 and 6 are the ones with the most Islington.
Nothing beyond what I've already reported.

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