Sunday 23 November 2014

Meditations on Missy (Doctor Who)

My spoilery review of this season’s Who finale was so packed that I didn’t get a chance to touch on Missy, and I really want to take a look at this character.  Big spoilers ahead on Missy, her identity, and important events from the finale, so read on at your own risk.
From her first cameo in this year’s premiere as the Mary Poppins-esque overseer of “Heaven,” fans have been speculating about just who Missy is.  Among other guesses (the Rani? an evil regeneration of Romana?), her name led some fans to hit the nail on the head.  It’s not so surprising, given Moffat’s penchant for wordplay, that Missy is the Whoversion of Irene Adler’s password.  Missy = Mistress = the Master, the first onscreen depiction of a Time Lord regeneration that crosses gender.  We knew it was possible – when Eleven first checked the length of his hair, he momentarily thought he was “a girl,” and his stories about the Corsair in “The Doctor’s Wife” confirm cross-gender regeneration – but we’d never seen it.
Overall, I’m fairly pleased with the result.  I think I would’ve preferred her written by a showrunner with a less “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” approach to gender, but it’s not too bad.  The ludicrous flirting/macking/claims that the Doctor is her boyfriend are the most irritating – it’s like she can barely control herself.  (On a side note, I’ve always wondered which is hardwired for a Time Lord, their orientation or the gender(s) they’re attracted to.  Take the Doctor:  mostly ace-ish but at least partially romantically attracted to women.  Would it be the same for a female Doctor because she’s inherently into women, or would it flip because she’s inherently straight?  Of course, with the Master’s long-established obsession with the Doctor, we don’t exactly have a clear-cut answer here.  I’m sure the Tennant-Simm Doctor/Master slash fans are particularly jealous of these two.)
But though I’m not sure about some of her dialogue or her behavior, I adore her plan.  It’s pure, twisted Master all the way.  As I said, the Master’s always had this intense tug-of-war obsession with the Doctor, and I love the idea of her giving him an army of undead Cybermen to resolve all the conflicts in the universe.  She’s baiting him with the means to save the unjustly slaughtered, but she’s coupling it with war, something he can’t bear.  She’s doing it all to “get her old friend back,” and she plans to do it by dragging him down to her level and proving he’s just as power-hungry and corruptible as she is.
Then, throw in the idea that, while the bodies in the Cybermen are whatever was on hand on Earth at the time, the consciousnesses she’s been collecting in the Nethersphere have been cherry-picked from across the Doctor’s timeline.  We see her this season scooping up minds of the dead from Twelve’s adventures, but it’s not just the current incarnation – the frickin’ Brigadier is turned into a Cyberman.  So, her gift of a mindlessly-obeying, killer Cyber-army is populated entirely by loved ones the Doctor has lost, people he failed to save, people who died because of his mistakes, or people who gave their lives for him.  How sick is that?!  I mean, my goodness, talk about a head trip.  Although some have lately been pushing the idea that Twelve is cold and callous, that he doesn’t care about collateral damage, Missy knows better than that.  Her plot goes straight for the emotional jugular, hitting the Doctor everywhere it hurts the most.  I hope we see this incarnation again, because I can’t remember the last time the Master pulled something so perverse, and that was some excellent TV.

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