Wednesday 21 January 2015

Relationship Spotlight: Alex Udinov & Nikita Mears (Nikita)

Yep, more Nikita!  This time, we’re hearing it for the girls; the wonderfully complex relationship between Nikita and Alex was one of the first things that hooked me about the show.  As with most Nikita-related things, massive spoilers to follow.

There are a lot of layers to Nikita-Alex, so I’ll try to unpack them one at a time.  The most obvious is the mentor/mentee angle, with Nikita initially training and prepping Alex to infiltrate Division and then guiding her through life on the inside.  She helps Alex to be strong – physically, mentally, and emotionally – and Alex proves herself time and again to be a worthy apprentice, working as Nikita’s mole within Division.  Many of the significant ties between these two begin here.  Alex often idealizes Nikita’s skills and strategies and wants to emulate her/do right by her, and Nikita is proud of Alex’s growing proficiency.

As the connection between them deepens, we see a more personal mother/daughter bond develop; Nikita especially looks out for Alex’s well-being.  As much as she respects Alex’s abilities, there’s a sense of wanting to keep Alex close to the nest and protect her.  This means physical danger, of course, but Nikita watches out for Alex in other ways, too.  A former addict herself, Nikita is the one who first helps Alex get clean, and when Alex is deep inside the belly of the Division beast, Nikita does whatever she can to spare Alex from having to go down the same dark paths that Nikita once did.  Alex, meanwhile, understands on one level that Nikita is trying to look out for her, but at the same time, she wants to prove to Nikita than she can stand on her own and doesn’t need protecting.

As time goes by, this dynamic never disappears, but it does soften as Alex matures as an operative.  Their relationship becomes one of slightly more equal footing, with Alex recognizing that Nikita isn’t perfect and Nikita more often trusting Alex to handle herself.  In this way, we’re able to see them as friends and comrades.  Both Nikita and Alex are understandably closed-off and guarded due to their past experiences, but they can open up to one another and provide support.  They can be vulnerable with one another, admitting to fears or confusion and seeking the other’s advice.  They work well in the field together and regularly have each other’s backs. 

None of this means that things always copasetic between them.  Both women come into the relationship with enormous amounts of baggage, some of it mutual, and it causes major rifts between them at different times.  Nikita’s tendencies toward keeping secrets, making decisions for other people “for their own good,” and only listening to outside input on her own terms get her in trouble with most of the cast at some point or another, and the conflicts born out of these issues are usually the most substantial with Alex.  I imagine it’s because these two are both the strongest-willed characters on the show as well as the most damaged.  As Alex gains confidence in her own instincts, she becomes less likely to be dictated to, so her stubbornness clashes with Nikita’s.  And because both have been through so much, every relationship they have is incredibly hard-earned, and any divide between them is sorely felt.  They need one another, a lot, and even though their relationship takes a number of hits along the way, they always return to each other with a greater understanding for the other’s needs and considerations.

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