Sunday 17 January 2016

New Companion Musings

(Can't really include a picture of a character who doesn't exist yet, so let's just have a lovely photo of Twelve beckoning the soon-to-be newcomer aboard.)

So, Doctor Who is in the market for a new companion.  Smart money is, of course, on a young, attractive woman from the U.K. in the 21st century.  I’m hopeful that whoever we get will be wonderful, as so many companions are, and I’m excited to see Twelve’s dynamic with someone new.  Here are some general thoughts on what I would and wouldn’t hope to see.

At this point, it’s likely a pipe dream, but I’d lovesomeone non-contemporary and/or non-local.  Two of my favorites are 18th-century Scotsman Jamie and descendant-of-off-world-colonists-from-the-future Leela.  You hear various arguments on why the companion should be a contemporary human.  “They’re the audience surrogate” – I can relate to people from different times/places.  “We need a connection to present-day U.K. so we can set stories there” – trouble’s going to find its way to Earth no matter what, and then we get the fun of a companion who doesn’t understand our society.  On that note, “You get bogged down having to explain everything” – first, anyone of good companion stock is a quick study, and second, so what?  Who doesn’t like seeing Leela fixated by a yoyo or Jamie calling an airplane a “flying beastie?”  And then, there’s, “A full-time alien companion would spend too much time in makeup every week” – leaving aside the fact that tons of other sci-fi actors have done it, there are enough humanoid aliens in the Whoniverse that a drastically-different appearance isn’t a must.  There you go, no more excuses!  Bring on the non-contemporary companion!  But seriously, folks…

I get the complaints about the lack of male solo companions, but personally, I’m not into it.  Not because I think that sort of Doctor-companion duo wouldn’t work, but because I wouldn’t want the show to have zero women in the regular cast (I’d be more open to it with a hypothetical female Doctor.)  Really, though, I love a good team TARDIS, and I’m all about mixed companion company.  I really like it when companion teams are picked up in different places/times – even just companions who don’t already know each other.  Don’t get me wrong, I like Amy and Rory, and Ian and Barbara are my jam, but I love the raggedy-little-surrogate-family feel of companions from different backgrounds joining the Doctor and becoming delightful friends together.  There’s a nice mix of personalities, experiences, and skill sets, and it opens up the range of possible interactions.  The new series has played with this (the Nine-Rose-Jack episodes, the Paternoster gang,) but always in the short-term or as recurring flavor.

Also, while I understand the calls for someone like Osgood or Ashildr (both of whom are pretty great,) I’d prefer someone (someones?) new.  I’d like a companion that I haven’t met before, bringing the usual companion tropes to the table but having a distinct personality for me to fall in love with, like I have so many times before.  In addition to the usual qualities – clever, brave, compassionate, good-humored – let’s find someone who really gets Twelve, likes him, and rolls with his Twelve-ishness.  I want to see the Doctor and his new companion having so much fun.

Note:  not that it will ever happen, but I’d gladly put aside my non-contemporary-human, companions-who-don’t-already-know-each-other, and someone-we-haven’t-seen-before wishes for a young-adult Clyde and Rani companion team.  The Sarah Jane Adventures was so lovely, and I’ve liked the idea of these two as companions forever.  I would be all over that.

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