Saturday 30 April 2016

Original: For Travis (2012)

I wrote this a few years ago as a gift for my older brother.  Geek on!

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For Travis

This is for all the wardrobe explorers,
The brown-coat-clad defiers,
And the single-bound tall-building leapers,
For the what-the-frak swearers,
The ruby-slipper heel-clickers,
And the Millennium-Falcon-model assemblers;

Listen, you Shire leavers,
Fourteen-foot-scarf knitters,
And don’t-tell-me-it’s-futile resisters,
You sing-along bloggers,
Robotics-law abiders,
And great-responsibility great-power bearers;

To the red-pill takers,
The don’t-panic hitchhikers,
And the midnight-showing lightning-scar wearers,
To the vampire slayers,
The god-of-thunder hammer-lifters,
And the impossible-things-before-breakfast believers;

This is my message to you: 
Pay the skeptics no mind.
Life is as big, and wild,
And magic, and star-blazing
As you let it be.

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