Saturday 11 June 2016

Top Five Songs: The Origin of Love (MIKA)

At first, I had a harder time connecting with MIKA’s third album than I did his first two.  Not as many songs jumped out at me immediately.  On repeated listens, however, this is a very fine album with some excellent songs.  Here are my favorites. 

“Origin of Love” – The title track is an intriguing, romantic song, at once celebratory toward love and pushing back against those who would illegitimize it.  With the strong religious imagery and specific references to religious objection to this love, I tend to view it through an LGBTQ lens.  Not sure if that was the intention, but that’s how it resonates with me.

Best lyric:  “Like everyone that you fear / And everything you hold dear, / Even the book in your pocket. / You are the sun and the light, / You are the freedom I fight. / God will do nothing to stop it. / The origin is you - / You’re the origin of love.”

“Lola” – Such an infectious groove.  I love the lilt of the verses and the beat of the chorus.  The lyrics feel defiant, regretful, and wistful at the same time, and I like the (dubious?) resolution of this man, vowing that he’s “not gonna fall in love this time.”

Best lyric:  “When you find your love’s for real, / You’ll beg and borrow, cheat or steal, / Trying to get the money just to call her.”

“Stardust” – Even though this song is about a relationship that’s ended, it’s still so bright and upbeat.  Not all the time – I love the plaintive vocals in the line about his heart being left “on the floor” – but overall, it’s about someone who misses their love but doesn’t resent them, who thinks about all he would give them if they could be together again.

Best lyric:  “Funny how the time goes rushing by / And all the little things we leave behind. / But even any other thing I do / Is a little bit of me, a little bit of you. / When will I see you again?”

“Overrated” – I like this one a lot.  The verses are gorgeous, and the soaring vocals on the chorus make a simple expression of a universal pain cut to the heart of the idea, the retreats heartbroken people make to deciding love is overrated.  Really, the vocals are stunning throughout, really beautiful.

Best lyric:  “Words get broken - / Cut me open - / Love confound me - / Kill me quickly.”

“Emily” – Technically, I’m not sure if this is the original version of the song or if it’s the English version of the French “Elle Me Dit,” which is on the album’s bonus disk.  Either way, the beat here is fantastic.  Another rather plaintive subject, but it’s performed buoyantly, as a guy tries to get through to the oblivious object of his affections.

Best lyric:  “Emily, live your life in a balloon. / Lock yourself up in your room, / So the world can never reach ya. / Emily, am I speaking Japanese? / Got me falling on my knees, / Got me praying to Saint Peter.”

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